Everyone should consider to remain flexible with social media. What works three months ago, may not work today. What works today, may not work three weeks from now. And I am almost on my final week away from Facebook.
I believe this principle can be applied to blogging ... traffic and frequency are directly correlated.
The more you post, the greater your traffic.
The more you practice, the better you get at it.
This is true when you are relatively new blogger like me, seeing my traffic grow in 2011 was self-rewarding, however I started questioning the content, time, purpose and preparation ... I didn't want to be posting too much, get burnout or become too noisy.
I have to agree (with Michael Hyatt, Jeff Goins, Ali Luke & Darren Rowse) that if I could get the same amount of traffic with half the posts, I could probably gain several hours each week that could be invested in other activities. I could read more, research and choose which quality knowledge to share.
My friends are busy everyday. Doesn't mean they don't enjoy spending time reading my post, they just don't have the time to keep up. Others might need some time between post to process the data and apply it. We all have different skills, personalities, and constraints on our time and energy.
My plan is to keep my post short and simple (to the point). Planning ahead will probably help me avoid posting sub-standard content when I am in a rush.
Routines play a very important role, because they make room for other things. I have established a weekly routine, it gets me going in the right direction, stay focus, otherwise I spend a lot of time playing catch up. The feeling of being left behind is indeed stressful. But always remember to make your own, simply copying with someone else’s routine probably won’t work.
Honestly, I only write when I feel inspired, writing to a weekly set schedule doesn't work for me. Why? It is not fun, I used all my creative juices and imagination at work. Therefore blogging shouldn’t be a chore, I figure if posting frequently isn’t working out for me, it’s probably not working well for my readers either.
I particularly like what Seth Godin said when Brian Clark asked him how he wrote every day. Seth refused to answer, and then he said "There is this feeling that if we ate the same breakfast cereal Stephen King ate, then we’d be able to write like Stephen King writes."