This morning I received a thank you email from a good friend, how nice if everyday I can wake up to kind messages and encouraging notes instead of nasty comments or bad news. The email in short "You are amazing, wonderful person and have a beautiful heart... Enjoy your blogs, your stories, your updates on facebook, your tears even, that is just so true! The more I know you, the more I like you. You always reply messages and email asap, this is not something everyone can do. But you made it. We sometimes will find excuse to leave for the next day, but you never!"
I know how she feels, cause I feel the same way when I meet a certain inspiring individual. In life when I choose act on inspiration, amazing things happen to not only myself but to everyone around me.
Just the other day, I had explained myself to my directors that I have too much emails flooding my inbox, I want to know exactly which team member should responsible for each projects. Every day I am replying to emails and answering phone calls on projects that I am not even involved in, I end up not meeting my own datelines or staying back later and even to the extend of working on weekends. I don't mind putting some extra hours on productive work, but I can't accept the company having poor management system.Why are non-clients sending me emails? How did these consultant find my contact? What is the rest of the team busy working on? Who is responsible to act or give instructions on the matter? When you perform a task well at work, automatically everyone will come to you cause they know you gets things done, but be real careful, to avoid conflict or getting into trouble with other people's mistakes.
In short "What we do in life echoes in eternity"
Most people I know who waited to travel the world never did.
Plenty of people waited after graduating from university, after getting a steady job, after meeting the right partner or even after saving for a car and a house. Eventually these people are still looking to travel, let's be honest, how many years are they going to take to pay of their debt on a car loan or house mortgage before they can start saving for holiday. NEVER!
My ex-flatmate recently decided to quit his job and he finally bought a one way ticket. I encouraged him to just go, don't hold back or wait any longer. He is now heading over to China a few weeks before me, for whatever intention he has over there, I am sure he will not lose sight of what's important. I am glad he put his foot down and no more excuses. He keep telling me the risk he has to take, but I promise him that one day he will look back and be really proud of his current life changing decision. The few regrets now will not matter next year.
Travelling teaches you to live life an adventure, helps you encouter compassion and allows you to experience some culture...
You should take the time to see the world and taste the fullness of life. It’s worth whatever investment or money or sacrifice of time required on your part. It’s not about being a tourist. It’s about experiencing true risk and adventure so you don’t have to live in fear for the rest of your life.
Your heart will break.Traveling will change you. It will put you in places that will force you to care for issues that are bigger than you. You’ll witness the the sweet and ugly side of every destination.
You will learn to care.You will begin to understand that the world is both a big and small place. You will have a new-found respect for the pain and suffering that over half of the world takes for granted on a daily basis. And you will feel more connected to mankind in a deep and lasting way. - Jeff Coins -
I used to read all the travel books I can find in the stores to prepare for my trip but physically getting there is a different story. I can only describe to my family and show them the photographs, but they really have to see if for themselves to experience the world for all it’s worth.
So my friend, I know you will be reading this tonight, my reply to your email; "We won’t always be young and life won’t always be just about us. So travel freely, the world is a stunning place, let's see it, you will not regret joining the adventure. There is a funny thing about travelling together, at best, we'll forge a lifelong friendship with complete strangers in a couple of days, at worst, we'll never speak to each other again. It is risky but I choose to see it as an opportunity to invest in the next season of our life's. Whatever we sow, we will eventually reap. Become a person of culture, adventure, and compassion."